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Want A Guilt-Free Transportation For Your Kids? – Try PiggyRide

Want A Guilt-Free Transportation For Your Kids?- Try PiggyRide

Are you a parent and always concerned about the safety of your children while they are taking a ride to their school or academies?

It’s time to release this heavy guilt and adopt a “Happy Parenting”.

Parenting is a joy, filling you with intense emotions- of love, deep care and happiness you never knew existed till you held that tiny little bundle in your arms. You have the power to mold, nurture and guide this little being. Well, at least till the time they bow to your commands. With this power, as cliche, as it sounds, comes RESPONSIBILITY.

You are responsible for their safety, their day to day activities, schooling and actually, everything that comes under the purview of creating a human being fit for the world. 

Parenting also needs planning and how! You could be a homemaker or a working mom  but you will always find yourself multitasking for  meals, family, relationships, work, errands and in between these little big niggles, you have the usual pick up and drop off to bus stops, kiddie parties, art classes, and various other such important courses that your child or children attend. 

More problems arise when you have two children who need to be ferried across different ends of the city. What do you do then? 

For all those overprotective parents, trust is not an easy matter. We want to be the ones to monitor where and how our child goes. There are courses and fun classes we want our children to be a part of, but we are helpless. We can only be in one place at a time. Our hectic schedule, workload, commitments do not allow us to enroll them for things we know they will learn from and enjoy. And then that guilt! 

What if there is a solution to this?

What if such a service exists where you can trust the commute that your child will take alone?

It sounds like the perfect dream, doesn’t it?

PIGGYRIDE is here just to do that! No more worrying about the safety of your child while he is taking a ride about town.

No more guilty pangs as parents for not having let the child enjoy a visit to a friend’s party or a course /class that she/he may want to be a part of. Piggyride is the surest, safest way to ensure your child reaches the destination and back, without any glitch.

There are a lot many other cabs running on the road but PiggyRide gives you many good reasons to use their services. With non-stop Smart Video Surveillance, GPS tracker and Vehicle Immobilizers in case of emergency and many more AI and ML-based tech-oriented safety features, Piggyride takes away all your burden and guilt. 

You can go about your day without any worry. Just leave it to Piggyride to take your child wherever he/she needs to be! Take PiggyRide & share your experience with us. Let us know how PiggyRide has made your life easy. 

Try a Piggyride today!    

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Sudha Jain

A deep-rooted passion, writing for me is as much a pleasure as it is business.
I have written for a number of English Dailies including Deccan Herald and The Hindu, covering a range of subjects from homes and interiors, lifestyle to education. I am currently working with several companies such as KITES senior care, Footprints forever store, Piggyride, etc. as content writer and blogger. I am also a trained counselor for adolescents and adults.
My life’s passions are my two daughters, my husband, family, books, music, writing, nature and traveling, not necessarily in that order.

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